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Recognising the opportunity of High Sensory Intelligence

By |2021-02-05T21:28:09+01:00February 5th, 2021|Inluminance Video|

Recognising the opportunity of High Sensory Intelligence We tend to take for granted the ability we have as people born with High Sensory Intelligence. At the moment the coaching industry is booming. Coaches with a speciality have the potential to make a very good income. The way you are built means you are receiving extra-sensory data that is invaluable in a coaching environment. You are able to intuit and channel information about the person in front of you. You have the ability to read energy and interpret what is stopping people aligning with their truth and [...]

Normalising High Sensory Intelligence as a path to Ownership

By |2021-01-29T20:45:17+01:00January 29th, 2021|Inluminance Video|

Normalising High Sensory Intelligence as a path to Ownership It’s simply not healthy for those of us born with this powerful trait to pretend we don’t have unique abilities. In this episode, we talk about the importance of being honest about them and being able to discuss them. For many of us, we have never been given the opportunity to normalise our experience, causing a disconnection to a fundamental part of who we are. As we are processing more of the world around us, it helps to consider the make up of our physical reality from [...]

Why we are not more conscious of our super powers as HSI people

By |2021-01-10T23:23:09+01:00January 10th, 2021|Inluminance Video|

Why we are not more conscious of our super powers as HSI people As a continuation of the previous episode, we inquire a little more deeply into the ownership of our gifts as high sensory intelligent people. We look at a common example of how a powerful ability in facilitating others is easily overlooked. An ability that can reveal the foundation to a coaching business methodology. Once there is deep conscious awareness of how increased sensory data enables the healing and transformation in another, it becomes a profound personal realisation. This in turn can lead to [...]

Getting serious about owning who you are

By |2020-12-23T22:33:52+01:00December 23rd, 2020|Inluminance Video|

Getting serious about owning who you are As children, we typically didn’t get the training we needed to use our trait of high sensory intelligence. This can often mean that when we display our abilities we are used to them being misunderstood. This can lead to us not taking our strengths seriously and in turn not identifying properly with who we really are. The result of this is that we are in fact rejecting what is most important to us. Our gifts are designed to help serve our purpose. In order to be in relationship with [...]

The importance of grounding your High Sensory Intelligence

By |2020-12-08T20:51:00+01:00December 8th, 2020|Inluminance Video|

The importance of grounding your High Sensory Intelligence With the innate ability to process information deeply it is easy for us to over process our thoughts. The trouble here is we tend to identify with our thoughts rather than the truth of who we are. In order for us to be aligned to the abilities High Sensory Intelligence gives us, we must be grounded. In exactly the same way as electrical energy behaves if it is not grounded, the energy of our thoughts can take over our day to day experience. The invitation here is to [...]

Your role as a High Sensory Intelligent Person

By |2020-12-02T22:39:37+01:00December 2nd, 2020|Inluminance Video|

Your role as a High Sensory Intelligent Person As High Sensory people our role is sometimes referred to as the Royal Advisor. When we consider that the extra sensory data we are receiving is being processed at a deeper level, we soon come to recognise this information is of great importance to the people around us. When it comes to recognising our role in terms of our purpose, it helps to see it as a service to others in alignment with how we experience the world. In other words, the advisor sitting next to the King [...]

The foundation of joy as a High Sensory Person

By |2020-11-21T22:47:04+01:00November 21st, 2020|Inluminance Video|

The foundation of joy as a High Sensory Person Many of us born with the genetic trait of Sensory Processing Sensitivity, also known as High Sensory Intelligence tend to take ourselves way too seriously. Much of the time this is as a result of being misunderstood as children. Born from a habit of trying to find our sense self from the judgment of others. This week we look at the importance of identifying with what is true as a route to our inner knowing. Through forming a healthy habit of self-inquiry based on what we know [...]

Believing in your High Sensory Intelligence

By |2020-11-15T22:53:15+01:00November 15th, 2020|Inluminance Video|

Believing in your High Sensory Intelligence I often refer to the analogy of a fish not knowing it is living in water until it is shown the world of air. Being born with High Sensory Intelligence can be similar. We don’t realise we are living in a different cognitive perception to those not born with the trait and can be unaware of the gifts it affords us. In this episode, I talk about the possibility of experiencing it more easily through learning to trust it. By extending our awareness out to become objective about how we [...]

Why your High Sensory gift must be the focus of your Business

By |2020-11-09T20:52:37+01:00November 9th, 2020|Inluminance Video|

Why your High Sensory gift must be the focus of your business As a person born with High Sensory Intelligence you have a particular ability. To be successful in business you need to be super honest with yourself about what that is. It is this very ability that gives you the advantage you need to stand out and do well. This week we look at how I use my own high sensory intelligence as a facilitator and how it enables me to get the results I get for my clients. It is an invitation for you [...]

Top three tips to turn your High Sensory Intelligence into a Business

By |2020-10-31T21:57:55+01:00October 31st, 2020|Inluminance Video|

Top three tips to turn your High Sensory Intelligence into a business The question on many of our lips as High Sensory Intelligent people is how can I turn my skill into a livelihood? A high percentage of us are born entrepreneurs, we make fantastic coaches, consultants and healers. This week we look at the top three things to consider when taking this step. We look at the importance of not over planning and getting out into the world to see the effects of our own gift supporting and helping others. The methodology you already have [...]