How Highly Sensitive People can Guide Humanity to Happier and Healthier Relationships


How Highly Sensitive People Can Guide Humanity to Happier and Healthier Relationships A special thank you to Bonnie Snyder, Cara Manz, Lisa Morrison and Stacy Ingram for this insightful discussion on How to stay sane in a relationship. Addressing Conflict in Relationships Conflict is inevitable in any relationship, yet as highly sensitive people (HSP), we may find ourselves particularly averse to confrontation. Sensing even the slightest tension, we often struggle to address underlying issues. However, navigating conflict is essential for fostering healthy and fulfilling relationships. Embracing Vulnerability and Softness Embracing vulnerability and softness is essential for fostering intimacy and [...]

How Highly Sensitive People can Guide Humanity to Happier and Healthier Relationships2024-02-27T16:18:43+01:00

How To Navigate The Holidays As a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)


How To Navigate The Holidays As a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) A special thank you to, Donna Chisholm, Andrea Brideau, Robbie Leigh, and Fiona Fletcher Tavernier. About how to navigate the holidays has a Highly Sensitive Person. Crafting Intentional Holidays The holidays, a joyous time for many, can evoke stress and overwhelm for high-sensory individuals. Robbie Leigh, our empowerment coach for highly sensitive people, sets the stage by reflecting on her childhood experiences and how they shaped her approach to the holidays. As a child, she sensed the stress and busyness around her, prompting her to make intentional choices [...]

How To Navigate The Holidays As a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)2023-12-01T18:57:17+01:00

How Highly Sensitive People (HSP) Can Help Humanity Find Balance


How Highly Sensitive People (HSP) Can Help Humanity Find Balance A special thank you to Syrah Gunning, Zack Ostrom and Katy Milholland for this beautiful discussion. Reframing "Self-Care"` A participant challenges the conventional term "self-care" and its connotations, sparking a discussion about the more profound implications. Likening self-care to a metaphorical nail file and the underlying meaning of self-care is just taking care of oneself. The focus shifts to words like balance, regulation, activation, and amplification, signalling a departure from traditional terminology. Hidden Struggles: Concealing Well-Being in the Workplace Another participant shared their perspective on the challenges of discussing [...]

How Highly Sensitive People (HSP) Can Help Humanity Find Balance2023-11-20T14:06:47+01:00

How to Thrive as a High Sensory (HSP) Extrovert


How to Thrive as a High Sensory (HSP) Extrovert This blog post explores the intersection of high sensitivity and Extrovts. A team of HSP coaches, Bonnie Snyder, Stacy Ingram, Cara Menz and Lisa Morrison, share their insights and personal experiences on this important topic. In a recent conversation among intuitive life balance coaches, an intriguing revelation unfolded: all participants identified as extroverts. Bonnie Snyder, an intuitive life balance coach, diplomate in energy psychology, and supporter of highly sensitive women initiated the discussion. Joining her were Cara Menz, focused on guiding women in their forties and fifties through midlife re-evaluations, [...]

How to Thrive as a High Sensory (HSP) Extrovert2023-11-15T18:43:56+01:00

How HSPs can Guide Humanity through Alcohol and Addiction


How HSPs Can Guide Humanity Through Alcohol and Addiction In this blog post, we explore the intersection of high sensitivity and addiction. A team of HSP coaches, Sarah Connelly, Rikke Hartmann-Bossen, Elisha May and Alexander Hohmann, share their insights and personal experiences on this important topic.Understanding High Sensitivity and AddictionSarah Connelly, an HSP coach, begins the conversation by discussing her journey. Sarah shares how she didn't realise she was an HSP until after she had quit alcohol. Initially, she used alcohol for typical reasons like celebrations and relaxation, but her consumption increased over time, leading to a problematic relationship with alcohol. [...]

How HSPs can Guide Humanity through Alcohol and Addiction2023-11-14T15:12:48+01:00

Nurturing Authentic Friendships as Highly Sensitive People


Nurturing Authentic Friendships as Highly Sensitive People By Donna Chisholm, Andrea Brideau, Robbie Leigh, and Fiona Fletcher Tavernier. For many, friendships are a comforting refuge, a place where we can truly be ourselves. We seek acceptance in these connections, where we don't have to pretend or mould ourselves into someone we're not. Authentic friendships are invaluable, especially for highly sensitive people (HSPs). Our Shared Experience as HSPs Though our journeys are diverse, we all share a common thread: the highly sensitive trait. This shared trait unites us, providing a deep understanding of the world and how we interact with it. [...]

Nurturing Authentic Friendships as Highly Sensitive People2023-11-02T19:09:45+01:00

My Search for Truth as a High Sensory Person


My Search for Truth as a High Sensory Person The greatest challenge I have faced as a High Sensory Entrepreneur has been the journey into personal honesty. For as long as I can remember, I have been aware of a powerful sense of independence. As a child I couldn’t bear being on anyone else’s agenda. As soon as I was old enough, I left my home country and went travelling the world. Many times I ran out of money along the way and had to rely on my ingenuity and resourcefulness to see me through. For me, [...]

My Search for Truth as a High Sensory Person2022-02-06T12:46:06+01:00

How to get out of your own way


How to get out of your own way as a High Sensory Person... One of the greatest breakthroughs I ever had in my journey of self-awakening as a High Sensory Person was realising how much I was resisting myself. What does that mean though? We often hear the phrase, ‘get out of your own way’, but how do we know when we are in our way and what does it really cost us? Many of us as HSPs, introverts and empaths, find it hard to be ourselves. Much of the time we don't actually realise we are not being ourselves. [...]

How to get out of your own way2022-01-30T14:38:14+01:00

When everything changes as a High Sensory Person


Identifying as being a High Sensory Person is the beginning... Identifying as being a High Sensory Person is the beginning of a journey into understanding the self. It is not about simply learning to survive the challenges of the trait such as the effects of over-stimulation and emotional reactivity. Understanding the way in which the trait is working through you individually will allow you to understand your purpose at the deepest level. One of the greatest breakthroughs I had during my own training was when I attended a wedding some years ago with my mentor. I knew [...]

When everything changes as a High Sensory Person2022-01-23T18:50:26+01:00

Do you need a website to go into business?


Do you need a website to go into business? This is a question I get asked quite regularly and as High Sensory Intelligent people, the right way forwards can depend on a few factors. In this episode, we look at the very important stage between becoming aware of our gifts and actually getting out there and delivering services to a paying market. This is a period of integration and ownership that helps us to be ready at an energetic level to serve and shouldn’t be confused with a time to build an online platform. Then when [...]

Do you need a website to go into business?2021-02-16T23:22:49+01:00