Believing in your High Sensory Intelligence

I often refer to the analogy of a fish not knowing it is living in water until it is shown the world of air. Being born with High Sensory Intelligence can be similar. We don’t realise we are living in a different cognitive perception to those not born with the trait and can be unaware of the gifts it affords us. In this episode, I talk about the possibility of experiencing it more easily through learning to trust it. By extending our awareness out to become objective about how we see and interact with the world we can begin to see our gifts more clearly. By then learning to trust our intuition and impulses to act in accordance with our gifts allows us the experience of our abilities in action. This in turn leads to the belief, trust and all important ownership of our High Sensory Intelligence to truly bring it into service.

Were you born with the trait of High Sensory Intelligence? Take our quiz here:

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