The foundation of joy as a High Sensory Person

Many of us born with the genetic trait of Sensory Processing Sensitivity, also known as High Sensory Intelligence tend to take ourselves way too seriously. Much of the time this is as a result of being misunderstood as children. Born from a habit of trying to find our sense self from the judgment of others. This week we look at the importance of identifying with what is true as a route to our inner knowing. Through forming a healthy habit of self-inquiry based on what we know to be real about ourselves, we soon learn to find a sense of inner peace. From here it is just a hop, skip and a jump into the fun and joy of being who we really are. Then we can begin to identify with our truth and the fun it brings when our gifts are aligned with how we are born to be of service to the world.

Were you born with the trait? Take our quiz here:

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