Why we can no longer ignore “Sensory Intelligence” in the workplace


Why we can no longer ignore “Sensory Intelligence” in the workplace Each and every place of business all over the world is currently equipped with a largely unrecognised resource.  More accurately, one in five of the people that work for you or around you were born with a genetic sensory intelligence.  An intelligence that is now known to have been found in some of the greatest leaders history has ever seen and present in over 100 species of animals. I am referring to a group of individuals with a unique set of skills. Skills that are mostly being hidden due [...]

Why we can no longer ignore “Sensory Intelligence” in the workplace2020-02-24T12:21:03+01:00

It’s time for the term highly sensitive to evolve


Why it is time for the term "Highly Sensitive" to evolve As I sit down to write this I feel a powerful sensation rise in me. A calling that I am writing for many and for something greater than me. I experience that as an intense tingling that comes through the left hand side of my body and flowers into my stomach. It makes me want to cry as the feeling overwhelms me.  This could be described as a typical sensation that we experience when we begin to consider something deeply important to us. For me as [...]

It’s time for the term highly sensitive to evolve2020-02-02T14:55:55+01:00

Why all consultants should have an online course


Why all consultants should have an Online Course Recently I met a wonderful lady at a networking event who works as a style coach. At first I thought this was mainly helping people to dress and present themselves well. Whilst this is an important part of Julie’s process, what she actually does goes much deeper. Typically her clients come to her feeling misaligned with their own radiance. Hoping to learn how to present themselves with authenticity again. Julie quickly identifies the knock on affect this is having not only with appearance but also body language and communication. So she begins [...]

Why all consultants should have an online course2020-02-02T14:55:44+01:00

The Responsibility of a Lightworker


Our Responsibility as a Lightworker As heart centred business owners we are here to bring a particular product or service into the world and there is something simply quite profound that comes with this. The responsibility we have as heart centred business owners and leaders. Our individual vision and purpose we have is not something we decide upon. We don't order it or choose it. It is given to us, we come with it already downloaded. We are a part of something greater than ourselves. I invite you to consider the evolution of the planet for a moment. Consider the growth [...]

The Responsibility of a Lightworker2018-12-30T22:34:35+01:00

What does it mean to be a Heart Centred Entrepreneur?


Learning to work smart. As a heart centred entrepreneur, consultant, leader or business owner. We often have a genetically inherited personality type. Our central nervous systems are more developed and our cognitive processing works more deeply. This affords us many advantages and also presents its challenges. I like to term this as being a High Sense Perception Entrepreneur or HSPE. Owning our super powers You may have heard of the work by Dr Elaine Aron and identified yourself as a ‘highly sensitive person’. I deeply admire the work created by Dr Aron and recognise her as [...]

What does it mean to be a Heart Centred Entrepreneur?2018-12-30T22:36:08+01:00