Learning to work smart.

As a heart centred entrepreneur, consultant, leader or business owner. We often have a genetically inherited personality type. Our central nervous systems are more developed and our cognitive processing works more deeply. This affords us many advantages and also presents its challenges. I like to term this as being a High Sense Perception Entrepreneur or HSPE.

Owning our super powers

You may have heard of the work by Dr Elaine Aron and identified yourself as a ‘highly sensitive person’. I deeply admire the work created by Dr Aron and recognise her as a hugely important resource for us as HSPEs. However I have found the word sensitive to be a label that has connotations of weakness. This unfortunately causes many HSPEs to turn away from identifying to this wonderful trait.

HSPE’s in my experience are for the most part really quite resilient, resourceful and driven people. And yes we are experiencing our senses deeply and intricately which would allude to the term sensitive. If you had two radios next to each other and one was able to pick up more frequencies than the other, we may term it as being more sensitive to particular frequencies.

However as human beings we are a part of nature. Nature is a tough place to be, it is of course beautiful, abundant and inherently joyful. However it also requires us to be personally empowered, focussed and determined. For species to be successful in nature we are required to be resilient, resourceful and fit. We are part of an evolution, we are at the coal face forging new paths and legacies.

The term sensitive often doesn’t fit with this image. Especially in a world that seems to progress through striving and warrior style aggression.

Lighting the way

However to thrive as HSPE’s we must work to our own advantages. If this is resonating with you then I am going to say this next part to you and use the word you because you need to hear this. You are highly intuitive, highly empathic, creative, visionary and a natural leader.

These skills give you tremendous advantages in running a business. It also means there will be some parts of your business you are very good at and other parts that need to be delegated. 

These fundamental realities of what it means to be an HSPE really need to be embraced. This means taking ownership of YOUR reality. How you see the world, what your higher vision for yourself and the world is. Acknowledging that as a highly intuitive leader you have the capacity and the tools to make your vision a reality.

The fact that we have particular needs as a result of being high sensory does NOT mean there is anything wrong with us! What is often wrong is trying to pretend we are not high sensory. Trying all the wrong business techniques and strategies that don’t suit how we work and succeed. Trying to work like people who are not high sensory, people who succeed in ways that are just simply different to us.

When we are looking to generate new business, to automate particular elements of our business, to re-brand ourselves and create new products it is our responsibility as HSPEs to own our super powers. To do what works best for us, to allow ourselves to be seen for who we are and be open to new ways in which we operate. In this way I feel more and more HSPEs will come forward to share how they have found business success based in self ownership. To encourage more and more high level light workers to come out of the shadows and bring their wonderful gifts and services to the world.

Written by Willow McIntosh, Inluminance Ltd

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