My Search for Truth as a High Sensory Person
The greatest challenge I have faced as a High Sensory Entrepreneur has been the journey into personal honesty.
For as long as I can remember, I have been aware of a powerful sense of independence.
As a child I couldn’t bear being on anyone else’s agenda.
As soon as I was old enough, I left my home country and went travelling the world.
Many times I ran out of money along the way and had to rely on my ingenuity and resourcefulness to see me through.
For me, it was all part of the adventure.
Yet I really wasn’t sure what I was supposed to be pursuing.
I was driven by such an overwhelming curiosity to find out. It felt like I was on a mission from God nearly all of the time, yet I really had no idea what that was supposed to look like.
Whilst I was fortunate enough to go to a very expensive school, I had very little guidance during my formative years.
It did nothing to help me understand who I really was.
It was like living inside an aeroplane that was so intent on finding new places, at such a rate of knots, convinced that around the next corner would be the answer.
Yet never knowing where it was going.
I realise now what I was searching for was the truth about myself.
I wanted to know who I was.
I was searching through the mud of about fifteen years of murkiness as a result of having to hide who I was as a child.
Throughout my entire upbringing, I was either being told off at school for not concentrating on the ‘important things’.
Or being moulded into something other people wanted me to be.
So I tried to do that as best I could by creating a false version of myself in order to get the acceptance and belonging I craved.
The trouble was, the false version had such a hold over me.
I just couldn’t get a grasp on what was real within in any way of substance to engage it in the world.
My true perception and relationship with the world remained a hidden secret.
It was so far away from my day to day interaction with the world around me.
I realise now that the drive within me was a genuine and innate calling for truth.
But the plane I was flying around in had a maddened pilot at the controls.
He had a capital ‘T’ for truth on his hat but with no real concept of what that really meant.
It is an old cliche that the hunt for what we need externally is really a hunt for what is already there internally.
However, this is exactly what was happening.
As I sit and write this now, the greatest treasure I now have, as a result of that relentless hunt, is the engagement in my own body.
Back in that crazy aeroplane, the only awareness I had of my body was that it was something I had to feed so it could move me about.
My entire existence was in my mind. I was completely at the mercy of thought associations, my conditioning and the relentless fear of abandonment.
The irony was, the mission from God I was searching for was the work I could only do through self-engagement.
Everything, all of it, the endless movement around the world, was trying to get me back to me.
So how do I know that is so important now?
What is the meaning of coming back to the truth of self?
Why all the big woop about this?
Because as High Sensory People, our perception of the world is the basis of the work we are here to do.
The ability we have to process sensory information more deeply and the perspective that it gives to others around us, is our gift.
That may be in many guises and forms in how it manifests in each of us personally.
However, we are the advisors.
We are the teachers, the healers, the writers.
We are the coaches, the facilitators and the consultants.
Being rooted in true self engagement is how we access the very source of our wisdom and what we are here to share with the world.
The reason 50% of High Sensory People in the West are struggling with depression is because we have not been shown that our gifts and abilities are real and they have purpose.
So we go on struggling with the adverse effects of this incredible genetic personality trait found in 20% of the population instead.
The high sensitivity, the perpetual self analysis, the emotional reactivity and the overwhelm.
We feel like outcasts most of the time and there is no one who seems to really understand why.
We struggle with acute perfectionism to keep everything in order around us so fewer people are likely to probe and ask questions.
Before I engaged into my body, I spent so much of my time just grinning, literally, so people would think I was nice and would accept me.
It was torturous and only made the pilot at the helm crazier.
Until one day I met the right mentor who saw through the grin.
He saw what was real in me and he did as all great coaches do, he made me find out the truth for myself.
To do that, I had to stop the relentless association with my false beliefs, my false persona and the external searching.
I had to stop and engage with myself.
Truly engage with myself.
In my body, I discovered the truth of my high sensory abilities.
In my body I found my heart and in my body, I found my power.
In my body, I found the present moment.
In my body, I found the natural ability I have to read others and sense the truth of purpose within them.
In my body was the ability to do the work I do today.
In my body was my knowing. Not the disconnected thinking my mind was tricking me to trust.
In my body was the connection I have to nature.
That vast, beautiful, natural ecosystem we are all a living part of.
That flow of life moving through all things; the intelligence of that and the reality of that.
The truth and balance of that, which knows how to rectify so many of the imbalances in this world.
My journey as a High Sensory entrepreneur has been about the discovery of my ability to see and feel into the true nature of myself and others.
During my ensuing research of over 2000 hours facilitating and interviewing other High Sensory people, I found the calling in us is always the same.
A relentless pursuit of the truth of who we are and how we can help others to see it in themselves.
Need some evidence of that?
Ask yourself these questions:
What is most important to you about the world and what do you feel you are here to do as a High Sensory Person?
What is it you are really looking for? What does a world in balance look like to you?
What does the healthy version of you in balance and harmony look like?
If you allow yourself to be truly honest, you will find your purpose and why you are called to be a self-employed entrepreneur as well.
Here is to your journey…
Willow is the creator of the High Sensory Coaching Program. He specialises in facilitating people with the trait of Sensory Processing Sensitivity (aka the Highly Sensitive Person) to recognise their ability as High Sensory Intelligence®. He also provides training for business owners in the field of empathic leadership and the utilisation of High Sensory Intelligence within organisations.
Were you born with the trait of High Sensory Intelligence?
Take our quiz here: https://inluminance.com/take-the-high-sensory-intelligence-quiz/
Get your free Masterclass on how to become a High Sensory Coach: https://inluminance.com/
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