I tested positive on a sensitivity quiz, what now?

Have you noticed the mounting interest in the trait of high sensitivity at the moment?

People are coming to realise that it is not a disadvantage.

In fact it is now being recognised as a sensory intelligence found in highly skilled leaders, coaches and consultants.

So what does it really mean if you score high on a quiz and discover you too were born with the genetic personality trait known as sensory processing sensitivity?

It means you could well be a part of 15% of the population born with incredible abilities and a very important role to play in the world.

Whilst this trait is often referred to using the word sensitive, it is crucial to understand it does mean sensitive in any negative context.

It certainly does not mean you are weak or there is anything wrong with you, in fact it means quite the opposite.

It means you were born with what is now referred to as high sensory intelligence.

That you have high levels of intuition, creativity, empathy and visionary abilities.

You even share this trait with some of the greatest leaders and changemakers the world has ever seen.

Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Mother Theresea, Martin Luthor King, Princess Diana (to name a few) are now known to have had this trait.

This trait was not invented by anyone, it is a part of nature.

It is found in 100 other species of animals and it plays a critical role in welfare and evolution.

So what does this trait mean biologically? It means we have a cognitive ability to process sensory data more deeply.

In other words all of the information coming through from the outside world is being received and perceived at a deeper level.

It is the ability to intuit the world around us more deeply, hence the term high sensory intelligence.

When this is coupled with enhanced abilities in empathy and intuition it means there is an ability to understand and relay information about the environment around us and the people within it at a deeper level.

It means we are seeing the next layer down, we are receiving information in the world around us that is otherwise missed.

It does not mean we are better than people who are not born with the trait.

It is simply an extra level of sensory awareness that nature has deemed important for our development and evolution.

An ability important enough to have stayed within our genetic makeup for many thousands of years.

These abilities combine to create great advantages as leaders, advisors, coaches and consultants.

We tend to have rich inner lives aligned with a significant relationship to something higher than us.

We are typically guided by a cause, one that matches with our meaning and our place in the world.

One that we feel deeply and care for deeply.

Just as the great leaders who went before us we had the ability to rally people to their cause and to the higher values they had to make the world a better place, we each have our own personal version of this.

One that is often unbearable not to stand for and live by.

It doesn’t mean each of us needs to be working on a global scale however it is often why high sensory people are self employed.

The need to act on this cause is too strong to ignore.

With this high sensory ability comes its challenges and it is so important that we put these challenges into perspective.

Since we are processing more deeply, it does mean we can get overwhelmed more easily.

In other words we can get over stimulated meaning we may need extra downtime.

We can be emotionally reactive and we can be easily affected by other people’s emotions and feelings.

We may find upsetting images, news and movies affect us more deeply than those around us.

We have to have boundaries in place, to make sure we are not exposing ourselves to people, situations and experiences that may be toxic for us.

We are becoming aware that the trait is of great importance to the development and evolution of human kind

Yet we cannot be defined by the challenges the trait presents us.

It is why there must be an active identity shift from the label of sensitivity into sensory intelligence as we move into this new period of awareness of what this trait really means.

We are becoming aware that the trait is of great importance to the development and evolution of human kind just as it has been for thousands of years in the animal kingdom.

We have a great responsibility to ourselves and the future generations to come to own the vital role we have to play.

For many of us this means challenging the misperceptions we have as a result of being misunderstood as children.

The opportunity we have now is to lay aside the false version of ourselves that causes self doubt, self rejection and self criticism.

A journey of transformation that I personally had to make myself.

The decision I had to make to no longer identify with the habit of self rejection leading to critical thoughts and depression.

The recognition that the thoughts that lead to my own self rejection and self doubt did not belong to me.

To understand that the gift of sensory intelligence brings great importance to our lives, to our communities, to our area of expertise and to the world itself.

There is a particular field each of us was born to work in, to bring our high sensory skills to.

I have been facilitating people with this trait for a long time now and I have never met a single one that does not have a particular skill they have developed as a result of their high sensory abilities.

One that they often only become aware of themselves during a process of facilitation.

Which is my role and passion as a high sensory light worker, a skill resulting from my own journey of transformation and a story I very much look forward to sharing with you sometime. 

Join me on the next masterclass where I will show you how you too can make your identity shift into high sensory intelligence.

To claim ownership of the role you are here to play.

The role in business, as a leader, as a healer and as an advisor.

To understand what this trait really means for your fulfilment personally and professionally.

To bring you into service into the world in the capacity and at the level you were born to do so. Thank you for reading and l look forward to connecting with you. 

Willow McIntosh is the leader of the High Sensory Intelligence movement. He specialises in facilitating people with the trait to activate them into service in alignment with their gifts and purpose. He also provides training for business owners in the field of empathic leadership and the utilisation of High Sensory Intelligence within organisations.

Were you born with the trait? Take our quiz here:

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