How to get out of your own way as a High Sensory Person…
One of the greatest breakthroughs I ever had in my journey of self-awakening as a High Sensory Person was realising how much I was resisting myself.
What does that mean though?
We often hear the phrase, ‘get out of your own way’, but how do we know when we are in our way and what does it really cost us?
Many of us as HSPs, introverts and empaths, find it hard to be ourselves.
Much of the time we don’t actually realise we are not being ourselves.
But one thing you will be noticing is the exhaustion and struggle you are feeling.
Alongside an ongoing internal argument or conflict.
Almost like an interference, a tension that runs down the central core of our bodies.
A habitual tendency to question, second guess and doubt everything we think and feel.
This is not sustainable, it feels miserable and it takes its toll on our health.
What we are actually resisting is an open relationship with ourselves.
We are resisting the truth of our own flow because we don’t trust it.
We seem to think that if it isn’t difficult and we aren’t struggling, we aren’t protecting ourselves.
The trouble here is that we are actually stifling the very part of us that knows what it’s doing
A very high percentage
A very high percentage of us, as High Sensory People are made to be coaches, facilitators, healers or advisors.
We absolutely love working with people and we are really good at it.
All our High Sensory abilities and perceptions make us exceptionally good at reading people.
We are highly empathic, intuitive and can sense the states, emotions and frequencies in others.
These skills can be developed and bought into conscious awareness with training specifically for High Sensory People.
Pretending we don’t have these abilities, so we can fit in, is all part of the resistance.
It costs our motivation and drive to create a life of meaning.
Denying what is really important to us and hindering the urge to pursue the calling we have, doesn’t work.
It only gets louder and louder and more and more painful as we get in the way of it.
This drive is there to get us into the line of work we are born for.
Knowing what this looks like is easier than we think.
It begins with a guided enquiry about what both fascinates and challenges us about life.
This is the way into the secret of our gift.
One that is aligned with a deep-seated cause we care deeply about in order to create change.
There is actually a great deal of joy in this revelation.
There is a shift that happens into ease and enjoyment as we let go of this habitual pattern of resistance.
We have a great deal on our side to help us to do this, the first being our strength and determination.
One of the reasons I am so passionate about shifting the phrase highly sensitive to High Sensory Intelligence, is because we are not weak.
We are actually highly resilient and highly motivated to honour the calling we can feel to create change.
Whilst many of us do feel called to work with people, we often feel the usual channels for this are not really what we are looking for.
Or that they are not set up to serve people in the way we know is really possible.
We get frustrated by the healthcare system, as we know there is so much more that could be done to treat the individual from a holistic perspective.
We get frustrated by the typical workplace, and how organisations are not supporting the growth and fulfilment of the employee.
We get frustrated by coaching methods because they don’t address the depth to which we know is necessary to create lasting change and healing.
For me, it was about the frustration
For me, it was about the frustration of how little support there was in society and the education system to align us with our truth and natural abilities. Especially as High Sensory People.
Which is why I do the work I do today, to align High Sensory People with their purpose and innate abilities.
This is my calling, it arises from a deep-seated urgency within me to serve in this way.
I didn’t see this on TV one day. I didn’t learn it in a seminar. It is an integral part of who I am and it has always been there.
It was revealed to me when I got the right support and learned to stop resisting myself.
This revealed the High Sensory gifts that I naturally have to fulfil this role.
It was a guided inquiry that brought me into conscious ownership of what I am here to do.
But I had to get out of my own way first.
We feel pain when we resist ourselves because we know it’s stopping us from being who we really are.
We know we have a drive to make a difference connected with something deep and profound within us.
In order to make this change, to allow the ease and flow of who we are, we have to let go of the habit of internal interference.
We have to stop insisting that the false self we developed to keep us safe as children still works for us adults.
It doesn’t…
Were you born with the trait of High Sensory Intelligence?
Take our quiz here: https://inluminance.com/take-the-high-sensory-intelligence-quiz/
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